Imagine a world where Things got worn out when you looked at them. Like erosion of viewing. I think it happens in some ways, on a personal level, the more I look at a thing the less I appreciate it. Maybe it’s me being depleted, not the things I look at.
Why doesn’t apple mail have a share sheet? It’s infuriating
It’s foggy today. I assume this is because 2025 has started loading.
My desk now contains a MacBook air, two iPads (don’t ask,) a bluetooth speaker and a usb chargeable reading lamp. There is something awesome about an all battery-powered desk. I don’t know why, but it gives me great joy.
Merry Christmas.
I have decided that now my headaches are ‘under control’ I no longer need to think of dark mode as an accessibility issue. So, I’m going to try ‘light by default’ for a few weeks
I’m considering replacing GoodLinks with DEVONthink. Since I already use DT, my initial reason for using GoodLinks to save articles was to avoid cluttering my notes. Now that I understand DT better, I realise I can separate the databases and adopt a more holistic approach to managing my PKMS
I think I have become someone who enjoys classical music. You know, like meatloaf and rush.
I’ve thought about it and Hot Frosty was the movie I have enjoyed the most this Christmas season.
I used the word ‘blithesome’ in a sentence today. Felt like a rockstar!