Microblog The RSS feed for Microblog.

  • I’m now pretty deep in the weeds of micro.blog customisation. Having a good time. ☺️

  • This is me, testing filters. Plz ignore

  • It's all on Micro.Blog now.

    I’ve transitioned both Dandelion-utilitarian.com and hexdsl.com to the Dandelion-utilitarian.net platform, powered by Micro.blog. This may sound a bit complex, but simply put, I’m a huge fan of Micro.blog and believe it’s the ideal platform for consolidating my content. While those of you who enjoyed the WordPress site might have mixed feelings about this change, I think it’s a better fit given my reduced focus on videos and other online activities. Micro. Continue reading →

  • hmmmm link between dandelion-utilitarian dot come and dot net seems to have broken. Can’t actually remember how that works. i think friend Wing did something to fix it but honestly, don’t recall. Though, I’m getting on so well with micro blog, I may just switch the whole site over to it.

  • I think I’m warming to StageManager on MacOS, I’m going to give it another spin in iPadOS, see if I can embrace that life. 😄

  • I think I'm back 😁

    I Had an excellent evening of writing. It’s been about a week since I have managed to gather the focus required but I am starting to feel more like myself and generally returning to my usual Zen-like state. I will likely feel more equipped to return to usual activities in a few days. Also, drafted a blog about health, moods, and personal goals. I’ll proofread it tomorrow and post it. If I think its worthwhile once I go through it again Continue reading →

  • Dog Nappies, now with a pocket for smokes! #art (?)

  • Apparently I have done 1000 chess puzzles… you would think I would be better at them by now. www.chess.com/awards/da…

  • Just watched “The Gorge”. Really liked it. Best Diablo movie ever. It knew what it was and embraced it. Only have nice things to say.

  • Even Batman needs lunch